Antioxidants and Adaptations: Do You Need Free Radicals to Get Hulky?
Antioxidants and Adaptations: Do You Need Free Radicals to Get Hulky?
The idea behind antioxidant supplementation is that antioxidants reduce free radical damage and subsequent muscle soreness, thereby improving recovery. But what if those pesky free radicals are necessary for hypertrophic training adaptations?
The Wingate Test: Dorian Yates Version of Cardio
The Wingate Test: Dorian Yates Version of Cardio
If one were to make a Dorian Yates type of analogy between weightlifting and cardio, what would the cardio look like? Enter the Wingate Test.
Magnesium and Vitamin D3: Two Neglected Parts of the Power Game
Magnesium and Vitamin D3: Two Neglected Parts of the Power Game
If flashy labeling or fancy bottles are what draw you to a supplement, these are not for you. If a ton of research and statistically measured results are how you determine your supplement regimen, you need Mg and D3.
Are You Getting Enough O2? — Oxygen's Role in Muscle Growth
Are You Getting Enough O2? — Oxygen's Role in Muscle Growth
On the quest for hypertrophy? Take note of these facts before shunning cardio.
Nutrition Rules for Endurance Athletes
Nutrition Rules for Endurance Athletes
A little extra weight usually helps strength athletes, but how can you drop unneeded baggage for aerobic activity?
Energy System Development for Powerlifting
Energy System Development for Powerlifting
Energy system development is seemingly one of the hottest concepts in the fitness industry lately.
 Developing an Effective Strength Training Program
Developing an Effective Strength Training Program
The key for athletic success begins in the weight room. Studies have shown that athletes who participate in a strength training program are faster, quicker, and more explosive, and they have fewer injuries.

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