Sick of Your Gym? — How to Start a Private or Home Gym
Sick of Your Gym? — How to Start a Private or Home Gym

In this part, you’ll understand how you can start a private or home gym of your own — on a budget. It’s not as expensive as you might think.

5 Items That'll Transform Your Dad Bod Into a Beach Bod
5 Items That'll Transform Your Dad Bod Into a Beach Bod

The term “dad bod” was tossed my direction more often than I could count when I found out I was going to be a dad, and I was certain that I wasn’t going to fall into this physique and let my lifestyle slip because of any children. These items will ensure that I have a beach bod, not a dad bod.

C.J. Murphy's Specialty Bar Car Show #3
C.J. Murphy's Specialty Bar Car Show #3

In my first two Specialty Bar Car Shows, I showed you a plethora of specialty bars: the elitefts Power Bar, trap bars, deadlift bars, the elitefts Rackable Cambered Squat Bar, and the Tsunami and Bandbell Bars. Now, in the grand finale, I’ve saved the best, most badass bar for last…

Credit Card Swipe for These 5 Garage Gym Owner Gifts
Credit Card Swipe for These 5 Garage Gym Owner Gifts

Toss that budget sheet into the trash and max your credit card at Alternatively: Ask Mom for her credit card.

Bare Bones Conjugate: A Bar, Rack, and Bench Weeks 1-4
Bare Bones Conjugate: A Bar, Rack, and Bench Weeks 1-4

When thinking about conjugate training, we often look at all the specialty bars, bands, chains and other goodies that we use in training. But when you boil it down, conjugate training doesn’t need those things.

Eleiko Lands 2015 World Weightlifting Championships
Eleiko Lands 2015 World Weightlifting Championships
The Local Organizing Committee has again chosen the official supplier.

6 Item(s)