Making the Max Effort Easy
Making the Max Effort Easy
There are a ton of questions on how to work up to a 1RM on max effort day. While many lifters don’t use percentages, it certainly makes it easier on coaches and novices on how to pick attempts. Since many people who are new to doing these movements are not familiar with their maxes, use the following to help guide
WATCH: Clint Darden Reviews Client Bench Press
WATCH: Clint Darden Reviews Client Bench Press
From setup adjustments to training intensity, Clint’s coaching adjustments are all explained in this video.
elitefts Classic: RIP Dynamic Effort Bench?
elitefts Classic: RIP Dynamic Effort Bench?
The role and reputation of the DE bench press has received nothing but a bad rap. I have to admit that I am partly to blame.
The Definitive Guide to the Board Press
The Definitive Guide to the Board Press
We are certain this article and embedded videos will not hit every sports and news outlet online, but at least you will LEARN HOW TO F**CKING BOARD PRESS! We have no idea what caused the recent train wreck, but can offer one solution by reposting an article from six years ago.
In Defense of Westside for Raw Lifters
In Defense of Westside for Raw Lifters
It’s not about whether it’s right or wrong…it’s about if you’re doing it right!
Shirt Training...Rough Start but a Strong(ish) Finish
Shirt Training...Rough Start but a Strong(ish) Finish
This was only my second time in this shirt and I was already trying to touch. Had I just worked down from high to low boards, I would have saved time and energy.
Starting Strength
Starting Strength
With new and stronger squat suits and bench shirts hitting the market, more attention has been given to training the lockout. It seems most experts believe that since the lifter is doing most of the work at the top, then range of motion should be trained the most. Although common sense tells us that the suits and shirts will get
Bigger and Better Benching
Bigger and Better Benching
A lot of my tips are just repeats from everyone else but I think they get overlooked while everyone is looking for the next gear craze or shortcut. Some are gear related and some are raw work.

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