IFBB Arctic Pro 212 — My First Pro Win
IFBB Arctic Pro 212 — My First Pro Win
If nothing else, this show proved I still have something left in the tank at 41 years of age.
My Years with HIT
My Years with HIT
When I started bodybuilding, I looked up to Dorian Yates, so I trained like him. And it worked.
How and Why I Dieted to 7-Percent Body Fat: Show Day
How and Why I Dieted to 7-Percent Body Fat: Show Day
The time has come to make final preparations and step on stage. Here are thoughts and reflections from this demanding journey.
The Contest Prep Survival Guide: Show Day
The Contest Prep Survival Guide: Show Day
The day has finally come. All of your hard work comes together for the moment you step on stage. Are you ready?
Five Bodybuilding Illusions Amateurs Need to Ditch
Five Bodybuilding Illusions Amateurs Need to Ditch
You can't Criss Angel your way to an IFBB pro card.
Just Sayin: Panhandling
Just Sayin: Panhandling
Panhandling is the new craze In bodybuilding.
Kroc's NPC Michigan State Championships Show
Kroc's NPC Michigan State Championships Show
We often learn more from our failures than we do from our successes and I definitely feel this is the case here.

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