Matt Kroczaleski

Matt Kroc Lost Footage (Part 3)
Matt Kroc Lost Footage (Part 3)
Another installment of Kroc’s course in mental intensity!
Matt Kroc Lost Footage (Part 2)
Matt Kroc Lost Footage (Part 2)
Matt Kroc shares some tips on the mental aspects of high performance lifting. Matt Kroc’s Training Log Articles by Kroc.
Matt Kroc Lost Footage (Part 1)
Matt Kroc Lost Footage (Part 1)
Matt Kroc shares some tips on the mental aspects of high performance lifting.
Psychobabble Bullsh*t
Psychobabble Bullsh*t
Before reading this, just know that while these words reflect my feelings it doesn’t mean that I’m acting on any of it.
Advice for the Young Lifter
Advice for the Young Lifter
You must give respect in order to get it.
I’m Not Like You
I’m Not Like You
The self that we present to those around us is only the part of us that we’re comfortable letting out.
Kroc's NPC Michigan State Championships Show
Kroc's NPC Michigan State Championships Show
We often learn more from our failures than we do from our successes and I definitely feel this is the case here.
A Few Words About Discipline and Sacrifice
A Few Words About Discipline and Sacrifice
It is this fear of failure that often drives me and far outweighs the pain of discipline and sacrifice.
The UGSS Return Story
The UGSS Return Story
We now debated on the new best course of action.
Mental Meet Preparation
Mental Meet Preparation
I’m actually in the process of writing a manual explaining these techniques and many more that I have used successfully.
A Week of Training with Kroc
A Week of Training with Kroc
This program is very simple but has never failed to increase my raw bench strength.
The Kroc Row: Training Legs with Starnes
The Kroc Row: Training Legs with Starnes
I don’t believe in perfection…there’s always more that can be achieved.
The Final Hours and Results
The Final Hours and Results
Here are my updates from my final hours of contest prep and the results.
3 Smart Ways to Survive a Diet
3 Smart Ways to Survive a Diet
I don’t know that it’s entirely possible to stay sane while dieting, but here’s a few tricks that may work.
The Kroc Row: Metroflex
The Kroc Row: Metroflex
When I walked up the first day they had a hog cooking right in front of the building.
 The Key to Reaching Athletic Achievement
The Key to Reaching Athletic Achievement
The most common questions I receive are “What type of program should I be following?” and “What type of program do you follow?” In my opinion, too many athletes concern themselves far too much about what training program they’re following. They don’t focus enough on the other myriad of factors that are more influential in determining how far they’ll go
Product of Your Desires
Product of Your Desires
You hear people talk all the time about how someone is a product of his or her environment. This is almost always the case when someone has done something wrong, and the argument is used as an excuse for the person as if they had no choice in the matter other than to become what their environment leads them to
Cutting Weight for the Pro Am
Cutting Weight for the Pro Am
It was the afternoon before the meet, a Friday. I weighed in at 240 lbs. Weigh-ins were scheduled for 9:00 am Saturday morning. In preparation for the four and a half hour drive down to the meet site, I started my cutting process by putting on four layers of sweat clothes.
Cutting Weight
Cutting Weight
I think the best method for cutting weight for a 24-hour weigh-in is to get your weight down and back up as fast as possible. The less time your weight is down the less it will affect your performance.

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