Speed vs. Speed-Strength
Speed vs. Speed-Strength
It is the quantity of the quality of work that matters…
Kentucky Strong: The Log Clean and Press
Kentucky Strong: The Log Clean and Press
Whether you want to Push, Press, or Jerk, these tips will definitely improve your log clean and press.
Sandbag Accessory Lifts
Sandbag Accessory Lifts
The sandbag is a staple in serious garage gyms everywhere, but it rarely crosses over into commercial gym territory.
Swiss Bar Clean and Press
Swiss Bar Clean and Press
Take a narrow grip, clean the bar up to your shoulders and then press overhead.
 The Top Five Sandbag Exercises for Football Training
The Top Five Sandbag Exercises for Football Training
The goal isn’t to be a powerlifter or Strongman but to become as strong, fast, and insanely explosive as humanly possible so you can dominate on the football field.

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