Reverse Band Bench Press
Reverse Band Bench Press
Got a crappy lockout? These will set you straight.
Swiss Bar Grappler Press
Swiss Bar Grappler Press
Nobody said this was easy.
Swiss Bar Tricep Extensions
Swiss Bar Tricep Extensions
Another great exercise with the swiss bar.
Swiss Bar Front Raises
Swiss Bar Front Raises
A solid exercise using the three different grips to exhaust your shoulders.
Swiss Bar Clean and Press
Swiss Bar Clean and Press
Take a narrow grip, clean the bar up to your shoulders and then press overhead.
Weighted Bench Dips
Weighted Bench Dips with video.
An Objective Look at Intermittent Fasting (Part 2)
An Objective Look at Intermittent Fasting (Part 2)
Long periods of fasting punctuated by large meals — yes or no?
An Objective Look at Intermittent Fasting (Part 1)
An Objective Look at Intermittent Fasting (Part 1)
The ancient practice of fasting seems to periodically find its way into modern fitness subcultures.
elitefts Nutrition Roundtable
elitefts Nutrition Roundtable
…with Jim Wendler, Mike Ruggiera, Tom Deebel, Julia Ladewski, Mark McLaughlin, Alwyn Cosgrove, Lance Mosely, James Smith, Brian Schwab, and Travis Mash
Packing on the Mass
Packing on the Mass
I can’t tell you how many people have come into my office and told me that they absolutely can’t gain weight no matter what they do. They go on to tell me that they have tried everything imaginable and now they have just accepted the “fact” that they will be skinny little estrogen-filled boys for the rest of their lives.
Bodybuilder Nutrition Roundtable
Bodybuilder Nutrition Roundtable
The following interview was conducted by Josh Beaty with Layne Norton, Jamie Hale, Alan Aragon, and Will Brink. Sit back and enjoy a very informative discussion.
Rage Against the Machine (Part 2)
Rage Against the Machine (Part 2)
In the first part of this series I went over what Cortisol was and its devastating effects that it can have on the body when overproduced. Cortisol is one of those hormones that you have to carefully monitor otherwise you will be a victim of its many pitfalls.
Teenage Super Bench Press Monster
Teenage Super Bench Press Monster
The super Bench Press Monster, Mike Brown, brought a massive 730 pounds down to his chest and blew it off like it was a broomstick.
Power Nutrition Recipes to Get You Jacked!
Power Nutrition Recipes to Get You Jacked!
There are thousands of recipes out there but the problem is the large majority aren’t geared for the powerlifter.
The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 3)
The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 3)
Yes, it’s finally here! You now have the final part in this three part series on how to go up a weight class. All the while making sure you don’t look like you have been on a serious diet of hot dogs and marshmallows.
The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 1)
The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 1)
One of the most asked questions that I receive is how to gain lean muscle tissue while maintaining their current body fat percentage.
The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 2)
The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 2)
In the first part of this series I discussed 8 top ways to pack on mass when going up a weight class. In the second part of this three part series I will continue with the next 8 tips to take you to success.
Rage Against the Machine (Part 1)
Rage Against the Machine (Part 1)
Power Nutrition Q&A
The Pie Diet, Nutrition for the Powerlifter
The Pie Diet, Nutrition for the Powerlifter
Being a powerlifter allows you more room for error in your nutritional plan than say, a bodybuilder, but getting the right amount of calories and nutrients is just as important.
12 Basic Steps to a Bigger Total
12 Basic Steps to a Bigger Total
Learn the Fundamentals of Power Nutrition.

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