Creature of Habit
Creature of Habit
Habits can be a double-edged sword that work against you, particularly in training. Attending elitefts’ LTT3 Seminar catalyzed the habits I needed to break to push past my training plateaus.
Advice for High School Linemen
Advice for High School Linemen
I’ve made a lot of mistakes when I was younger, and I believe it’s part of a coach’s job to pass on the knowledge and experiences I have gained from my own athletic career, such as never being average, striving for perfection, and detailing everything.
Motivation is Bullshit
Motivation is Bullshit
Motivation is good to get the ball rolling, but as soon as the terrain shifts to uphill, the motivation dies, and your ball comes to a screeching halt. Instead, you’ll need to develop enough discipline to move forward on a daily basis.
Establishing Team Culture in the Spring — FUNdamentals
Establishing Team Culture in the Spring — FUNdamentals
This is a great opportunity for you as the strength coach to step in and provide the leadership and culture to propel your team forward in the fall.
James Clear: Default for Daily Decisions
James Clear: Default for Daily Decisions
Designing your life to help you make the right decisions... by default.
The Repercussions of Poor Training Habits
The Repercussions of Poor Training Habits
Two smart tips that support why you're V-taper may look more like a U-taper.
Announcing the 2015 Habits Seminar
Announcing the 2015 Habits Seminar
The top performers in nearly any field of life have developed systems and routines that help them make better decisions each day.
LISTEN: Transforming your Habits with James Clear
LISTEN: Transforming your Habits with James Clear
Former student, athlete, and intern becomes one of my biggest influences
Strong Mind: Excellence
Strong Mind: Excellence
Anyone can make that good, right choice once in a while…but it takes so much more than that.
A Lion in Iron: Seven Habits of TRYING to be Successful
A Lion in Iron: Seven Habits of TRYING to be Successful
Seven blunt behaviors to set you on the path to success (without the sugar coating).
 Seven Successful Habits for Young Athletes
Seven Successful Habits for Young Athletes
Succeed academically: It’s crucial for young athletes to start developing solid study habits as they get older.

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