WATCH: The Definitive Guide to Hill Sprints
WATCH: The Definitive Guide to Hill Sprints
Before you go find yourself a hill to sprint up via Google maps (steep hills, such as those in landfills, are ideal), don’t forget to warm up and stay hydrated. It’s a sprint, so go all out!
Training for Police Officers: The Necessities Every Cop Needs in their Program
Training for Police Officers: The Necessities Every Cop Needs in their P...
For most people who step into a gym, your training isn’t a matter of life and death. For police officers, it is.
Conditioning for the Gridiron Warrior
Conditioning for the Gridiron Warrior
What good is that 500-pound squat if you’re taking a knee in the fourth quarter desperately gasping for air?
Taking You from Curling in the Squat Rack to Squatting in the Curl Rack
Taking You from Curling in the Squat Rack to Squatting in the Curl Rack
Hey brah, forget about curling in front of the mirror. If you want to look good with your shirt off and be strong as shit, this is the program for you.
Spacial Awareness
Spacial Awareness
Yeah, I’m pissing and moaning a lot about bullshit, but this just isn’t necessary.
Speed Development
Speed Development
An athlete with more power has greater torque, leading to a quicker athlete with more top end speed.
Snowy Sprints and Winter Hill Running Tips
Snowy Sprints and Winter Hill Running Tips
This was one of the sessions you know is brutal going into, likely regrettable during, but awesome after (when you’ve warmed up).

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