WATCH: Joe Sullivan's Knee Wrap Tutorial for Raw Lifters
WATCH: Joe Sullivan's Knee Wrap Tutorial for Raw Lifters
Wrapping someone else’s knees might seem easy, but when it comes to being a self-wrapper, that’s another story. Luckily Joe Sullivan’s familiar with being a self-wrapper, so he’ll show you the ropes — and how to better wrap your training partner’s knees.
WATCH: Joe Sullivan Demonstrates Crocodile Breathing
WATCH: Joe Sullivan Demonstrates Crocodile Breathing
The cue “push into your belt” has lifters focusing on the front of their bodies. But this operates under the assumption that the torso will expand in 360 degrees, not just out toward the front. In order to have the best brace, we need to rework our understanding of doing so in the first place.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #23 with Joe Sullivan and Janis Finkelman
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #23 with Joe Sullivan and Janis Finkelman
Joe and Janis are returning for another episode of Table Talk Podcast with host Dave Tate. Expect all sorts of thoughts, questions, and answers for all things powerlifting-related.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Trying to Bulk to 400 Pounds?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Trying to Bulk to 400 Pounds?
If Dave Tate has to pull himself together before answering a question, you know it’s going to be a good answer. And boy, does he deliver (along with some tips from Joe Sullivan and Janis Finkelman).
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #12 with Joe Sullivan and Janis Finkelman
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #12 with Joe Sullivan and Janis Finkelman
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate, Joe Sullivan, and Janis Finkelman talk about a variety of powerlifting topics and answer questions, both bizarre and mundane, and more.
WATCH: Reverse Grip Bench Press 101
WATCH: Reverse Grip Bench Press 101
A lot of people use this bench press due to shoulder issues and its carryover to competition lift — and Janis Finkelman’s numbers support that claim.

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