How to Screw Up Your Posture with the Leg Press
How to Screw Up Your Posture with the Leg Press
Sure, you can build bigger quads in the leg press, but that is the only benefit I can see of doing it. The cons outweigh the pros when it comes to this machine.
How to Use Blood Flow Restriction with a Knee Injury
How to Use Blood Flow Restriction with a Knee Injury
Indoor soccer took a toll on my knee, so my training has been a bit limited. But that didn’t stop me from using Blood Flow Restriction on leg day, which I highly recommend using when working around injuries that force you to use lighter weights.
Leg Workout of the Day with Cambered Bar and Ground Base Squats
Leg Workout of the Day with Cambered Bar and Ground Base Squats
If you’ve got lower back issues and want to up difficulty without adding pounds like I do, then this is the Workout of the Day for you. Today, the goal was to increase time under tension.
Leg Workout of the Day with 8x8x8 Banded Leg Extensions
Leg Workout of the Day with 8x8x8 Banded Leg Extensions
No, you’re not seeing deja vu. This workout features: 1. Lying Leg Curls 2. Leg Extensions 3. Cambered Bar Squats 4. Banded Leg Extensions 5. Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deads. Per the usual, click to see the sets, reps, equipment used for this leg workout, and find out what’s super-setted.
Workout of the Day: Legs with Mark Dugdale
Workout of the Day: Legs with Mark Dugdale
1. Unilateral Leg Curls 2. Cambered Bar Squats with Chains 3. Blood-flow Restriction Leg Extensions and Goblet Squats 4. Cable Pull-Through — click to see the sets, reps, and equipment I used for this leg workout so you can enjoy the same pump.
Build Bigger Legs and a Bigger Squat (with 6-Week Accessory Split)
Build Bigger Legs and a Bigger Squat (with 6-Week Accessory Split)
This isn’t about any unusual angles, movements, or attachments. This is just a meat and potatoes approach to building bigger legs and a bigger squat. Try this out for 6-8 weeks and see how it works for you.
WATCH: 8x8 Leg Blast
WATCH: 8x8 Leg Blast
Like all portions of the 8×8 program, this leg day is going to consist of eight sets of eight reps, with a thirty-second rest in between each set. JJ, who is helping us out in this video, followed the program for six weeks and saw great results.
5 Protocols to Build Bigger, Stronger Legs
5 Protocols to Build Bigger, Stronger Legs
If you want legs that shake the ground and crumble the streets where you walk, you’re going to need some specialized training techniques. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Elitefts™ Leg Extension - Dumbbell Squat Superset
Elitefts™ Leg Extension - Dumbbell Squat Superset
Elitefts™ Advisor and Mountain Dog Training and Nutrition Onwe John Meadows performs a killer superset for quads
Leg Extensions
Leg Extensions
Extend, my friend.

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