An Application of Linear Periodization and Why It’s Still Relevant
An Application of Linear Periodization and Why It’s Still Relevant
Piecing together what I’ve learned from Dave Tate, Jim Wendler, and Sam Brown, I added 70+ pounds to my total in a six-month period.
Boris Sheiko's Thoughts on Westside Barbell
Boris Sheiko's Thoughts on Westside Barbell
Two giants in the world of strength. Two very different training styles. How can both be so successful?
A Training Cycle Alternative for Group Athletes
A Training Cycle Alternative for Group Athletes
Linear periodization has its place, and I’ve used it with varying levels of success, but overall there are simply too many drawbacks when used for group programming. Here’s what I use instead.
WATCH: Table Talk with Dan Green — How Dan Structures His Training
WATCH: Table Talk with Dan Green — How Dan Structures His Training
Through years of mistakes and experimentation, Dan has refined his approach and found a setup that works for him.
How Do You Pick Your Opener?
How Do You Pick Your Opener?
There are many ways lifters go about picking their openers. I admit, my way might not be for you. But if it isn’t, you can still learn something from it.
6 Ways To Increase Strength
6 Ways To Increase Strength
Six REAL factors to getting strong, not the same crap we’ve read over and over… and over again. Seriously, how many times do we have to be told to train hard, be consistent, follow a program and eat right? Those may not even matter anyhow but these do.

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