Ivan the Terrible
Ivan the Terrible
The customer is the ultimate determinant of your product and what it’s about. It doesn’t matter how you perceive your product — it matters how they do.
Finding A Personal Record Through Consistency
Finding A Personal Record Through Consistency
Powerlifting is one tool I use to measure my strength. Through relocation, job change, a virus, a motorcycle crash, and children (the list goes on), there’s one thing I learned this past year: consistency.
WATCH: Passion Trumps Everything (Apparel Now Available)
WATCH: Passion Trumps Everything (Apparel Now Available)
Success is a personal definition. I can’t tell you what it is. But I can tell you about passion.
What If Passion Was A Full-Time Thing?
What If Passion Was A Full-Time Thing?
I’ve always said that passion trumps everything, and when it’s real and from the heart, it does. When it’s from the head, it doesn’t trump shit.
WATCH: Have You Ever Felt Your Passion Slip Away?
WATCH: Have You Ever Felt Your Passion Slip Away?
It’s not going to be easy to accomplish your goals. When your will to achieve starts to fade, what will you do?

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