The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
I think that sometimes-spontaneous people, those that fly by the seat of their pants, are better off than those who plan everything. It is my considered opinion that those who can alter or adopt a new one in the face of adversity or changed circumstances are the ones who succeed in anything.
A Program Progression for an Alternative Use of Basketballs and Volleyballs
A Program Progression for an Alternative Use of Basketballs and Volleyballs
It would’ve been easy to create another brand-new workout with different recreational equipment. But a more powerful lesson rather than starting at ground level in terms of skill, was for the students to observe their strengths and weaknesses and then create a plan to reach a new level of skill mastery.
Always Have a Plan
Always Have a Plan
It’s never been about making these “New Year, new me” resolutions; it’s about dedicating yourself to the daily process, having a vision, and having a plan in every aspect of your life. Want to be a head strength coach? Have a plan and dedicate yourself daily to the process.
Hawaiian Pizza, Baseball, and Group Training
Hawaiian Pizza, Baseball, and Group Training
With young athletes, the key to using a group training protocol to fuel PRs is understanding the psychology of friendly competition.
The Process and Product of Goal Setting
The Process and Product of Goal Setting
The training will make you Strong(er) of body. The goal setting will help you become Strong(er) of mind.
Creating a Plan
Creating a Plan
In order to succeed, you need a simple and concrete plan, something exempt from all the glitter and hype and specifically tailored for you.
 Seven Secrets to Better Workouts
Seven Secrets to Better Workouts
As your old high school gym teacher might have led you to believe, stretching before weight training isn’t the best way to warm up. Recent reports show that static stretching before exercise can reduce muscle strength. Stretching relaxes your muscles, so why would you want to relax your muscles when you need to lift explosively during weight training?

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