Elitefts™ Blast Strap Shoulder Circuit
Elitefts™ Blast Strap Shoulder Circuit
Pre-Habilitation circuit for overhead athletes utilizing the elitefts™ Blast Straps
Elitefts™ Prone Dumbbell Circuit (YTALWs)
Elitefts™ Prone Dumbbell Circuit (YTALWs)
Chest Supported Shoulder Pre-hab Circuit using dumbbells on the elitefts™ Collegiate 0-90 Bench
Prone Bench Rear Delt Raises
This is an exercise that seems to be a favorite of both Dave and John Meadows. High-rep rear delt raises done -with a lot of body english, when necessary- on the prone bench. In the words of Dave himself, “This sucks.”
Front & Rear Raise - Sled
Front & Rear Raise - Sled
These two movements have saved my shoulders too many times to count.
Rear Delts w/ Blast Straps
Rear Delts w/ Blast Straps
This is a very challenging exercise but a tremendous way to develop your upper back.

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