Programming the Overly Complex Needs Assessment
Programming the Overly Complex Needs Assessment
Stepping away from collegiate strength and conditioning, I’ve had time to reflect. In this article, I’ll delve into programming — the good and the ugly. Program-wise, exactly what are your goals?
WATCH: The Seven Granddaddy Laws
WATCH: The Seven Granddaddy Laws
Dr. Hatfield categorized these Laws himself, and together they serve as a framework to measure an effective training program. If you want to know how your training program stacks up, I encourage you to assess it against the Laws.
The SAID Principle — Training Optimally for Sport
The SAID Principle — Training Optimally for Sport
We as strength coaches have a way of screwing training up even with this ancient, written-in-stone principle.
What, Why, When, How — A Guide to Using an Intro Week
What, Why, When, How — A Guide to Using an Intro Week
I have had more tweaks and muscle strains occur during the first week of getting back into training than any other time. If I’d known how to use an intro week, this never would’ve happened.
Back to the Basics, Back to Functional Training
Back to the Basics, Back to Functional Training
Let me introduce you to the Core 4: push, pull, press, and carry.
Should I Lift or Should I Sprint — The Case for Power
Should I Lift or Should I Sprint — The Case for Power
In part one of this series, I discussed a brief overview of maximum strength training for team sport athletes. In this section, I will provide a case in support of training for power development.
Should I Lift or Should I Sprint — The Case for Strength
Should I Lift or Should I Sprint — The Case for Strength
We have come to a fork in the road with sports performance training. Is strength training making your athletes stronger or just slower?
Training for Movement — 4 Easy Program Fixes
Training for Movement — 4 Easy Program Fixes
Having mobility issues? While direct work in the traditional sense will certainly help, so will continuing to train, if you plan correctly.
Find Your Weak Points By Becoming Strong
Find Your Weak Points By Becoming Strong
Before getting hung up on specific weaknesses and special exercises, try this simple approach first.
Overlooked Factors in Athlete Programming
Overlooked Factors in Athlete Programming
Realize that basketball isn't just basketball, soccer isn't just soccer, and football isn't just football.

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