Overcoming the Pressure of a Six-Pack: How I Gained 100 Pounds in High School
Overcoming the Pressure of a Six-Pack: How I Gained 100 Pounds in High S...
If you’re a kid with some athletic potential but is knocked over by a slight breeze, you need to start training and eating properly. Here’s how!
The 6-Pack Mindset
The 6-Pack Mindset
We tend to see outrageous exercises, movements, and even classes that claim they will give you a stronger core or a six-pack in days. I encourage a shift in your mindset to optimize your training to obtain the six-pack look.
Stomach Fat is Way too Stubborn
Stomach Fat is Way too Stubborn
If your belly fat seems to be extra stubborn, it may be because of these 3 over looked situations.
Project Six-Pack (Part 2)
Project Six-Pack (Part 2)
Have you been fumbling around with your training, adding things in and out for no apparent reason?

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