Speed Pull Cycle for Athletes
Speed Pull Cycle for Athletes
What athletes can I use this with? How do I know how much weight to use? How do I peak for an event or playoffs? I thought you’d never ask.
4 Accessories to Fix the Deadlift Lockout
4 Accessories to Fix the Deadlift Lockout
As I got stronger with pulling conventional, a funny thing happened. My weak point went from being off the floor (where it was when pulling sumo) to just below the knee. I had to go back to the drawing board and figure out what exercises would get me stronger.
The Dynamic Effort Method with Beginners
The Dynamic Effort Method with Beginners
Many people will say, “Don’t do it with beginners” and it’s a good thing I’m somewhat anti-establishment because DEM has been a great tool in the development of a lot of beginner-athletes. The simple answer is: just do it.
WATCH: How to Set Up Bands Correctly for the Squat, Bench, and Deadlift
WATCH: How to Set Up Bands Correctly for the Squat, Bench, and Deadlift
Your setup will vary depending on the equipment you’re using and the lift you’re performing. This article includes a step-by-step video guide to ensure you’re getting the most out of your bands.
How I Trained When I Was at My Best
How I Trained When I Was at My Best
There are two categories for max effort exercises: strength builders and strength testers. Every lifter has their own. Once I found mine, I built an 1160 squat and an 850 deadlift.
The JL Letters — Passages 3 and 4
The JL Letters — Passages 3 and 4
Every relationship has its highs and lows. You can’t stay on the honeymoon forever.
The JL Letters — Passages 1 and 2
The JL Letters — Passages 1 and 2
Things are getting hot between Dave and JL. What’s behind this growing bond?
WATCH: Deadlift Tips on Tightness, Speed Pulls, and Hook Grip
WATCH: Deadlift Tips on Tightness, Speed Pulls, and Hook Grip
Looking for guidance from one of the best of all time? Steve Goggins breaks down the deadlift in video form.

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