3 Easy Ways to Be a Better Training Partner (Even as a Newbie!)
3 Easy Ways to Be a Better Training Partner (Even as a Newbie!)
You don’t have to be an expert lifter to make your training partners better. You just have to always be actively watching and engaged in training. Here is how you can be an asset to your group — even as a newer lifter.
When Honesty is the Only Policy
When Honesty is the Only Policy
Not unlike with your spouse or significant other, the relationship between training partners depends on many things, but at the central core to this relationship is the quality of one’s honesty with their training partner.
WATCH: How to Properly Do a Bench Press Lift-Off
WATCH: How to Properly Do a Bench Press Lift-Off
Ideally, a good lifter should also be a good spotter. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Dave Tate will walk you through how to do a bench press lift-off — the proper way. This means you’re not putting your nuts in the lifter’s face and aren’t taking the majority of the lift.
WATCH: elitefts Core Values — Trust
WATCH: elitefts Core Values — Trust
In the world of strength training, you often see trust: between training partners, between lifters and their equipment, and between competitors and judges. But not all trust is created equal.
The Most Important Person in the Gym
The Most Important Person in the Gym
To Adam, the answer hinges on perspective.

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