Protect Yourself From Stress: Keys to Performance, Recovery, and Quality of Life
Protect Yourself From Stress: Keys to Performance, Recovery, and Quality...
Understanding all the mechanisms of stress can help you become aware of your response to stressors. Believe me, you can do better.
My Wife and God Cause All of My Stress
My Wife and God Cause All of My Stress
While I was recently wallowing in my own self-pity, I had an idea: what else could possibly go wrong?
Mental Health and the Strength Athlete: Building A Better Training Program
Mental Health and the Strength Athlete: Building A Better Training Program
When building an effective training program, you must consider each variable that influences your performance — including the stressors that affect your mental health.
Mental Health and the Strength Athlete: Why Powerlifters Get Ulcers
Mental Health and the Strength Athlete: Why Powerlifters Get Ulcers
I’m going to focus on three variables and interactions that affect stress response in the athlete: life events, mental illness, and training.
Practical Programming Adjustments Determined By Age
Practical Programming Adjustments Determined By Age
If you aren’t considering this factor, your training is suffering.
Effective or Ineffective: When To Keep or Drop Your Training Program
Effective or Ineffective: When To Keep or Drop Your Training Program
Your body must undergo multiple stages of adaptation before you decide whether or not your training program is working for you. Patience, my friend. Patience.

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