PR Your Next Bench Training Session
PR Your Next Bench Training Session
If your movement is constrained, how will this directly affect your bench stroke? A LOT. Try these four stretches.
The Power of Bodyweight Training
The Power of Bodyweight Training
Resistance is resistance, no matter from which source it comes. When you do a push-up, your body doesn’t just go, “What, he’s doing a push-up? Nah, I ain’t growing.”
Mobility for the Desk Jockey
Mobility for the Desk Jockey
If you’re anchored to a desk at work, performing these daily exercises will keep your body moving the way it’s supposed to.
Stretching the JACK Shirt
Stretching the JACK Shirt
Get your shirt right and get a PR.
Rollover to Hurdle Stretch
Rollover to Hurdle Stretch
This dynamic stretch is great for your low back and hamstrings.
Straight-Leg Hamstring Raises
Straight-Leg Hamstring Raises
This exercise is one of the best ways to dynamically stretch the hamstrings.
 Priming the Pump
Priming the Pump
We’re all familiar with the standard warm-up routine that has been implemented for decades—jog a lap, perform a brief static stretch of the larger muscle groups, and hit the workout.
Why Does the Butt Kick Reign Supreme?
Why Does the Butt Kick Reign Supreme?
If you watch runners before a race or if you watch baseball, football, or other athletes warming up before a game, you will see that most of them do the butt kick (quadriceps) stretch.
Bringing the Pendulum Back to Center (Part 2)
Bringing the Pendulum Back to Center (Part 2)
It is often said by futurists that there is an over-reaction to most new concepts in the short term, yet an under-reaction in the long term. We can all come up with countless examples of it – the high carb trend of a few years ago – which has become the zero carb trend recently.

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