7 Habits of Highly Effective Lifters
7 Habits of Highly Effective Lifters
When you look at the best lifters, you find that they have several things in common. Make these behaviors a regular part of your life and you’ll continually see progress, too.
8 Rules for The Hard Gainer
8 Rules for The Hard Gainer
You’re sick of spinning your wheels. Trust me, I get it. I’ve been there. Here’s how to stop being timid and weak.
Do you really need to keep a training log? Dorian Yates did!
Do you really need to keep a training log? Dorian Yates did!
Why did Dorian Yates keep a training journal?
High Powered Journaling
High Powered Journaling
I feel that tracking by exercise slots makes it easier to watch the progression of the movement. It is also easier to observe progression of that exercise slot over time when you have multiple weeks’ worth of information consolidated into one place.

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