Normally when using straight bars bench day is when I find out if my shoulder, lat. and arm therapy has been paying off. If I can get through the day with no pain, progress has been made. The question remains though, for how long can I keep that trend going?

Today went smoothly with no pain, slight discomfort on a few reps due to my focus not being where it was suppose to be. I have been working on not only focusing on leg drive and shifted focus to shoulder and arm movement patterns while under load.

Here is my top set while still trying tone a mirror image of Casey Williams. The rest of this workout was awesome as my teammates and I were just having fun talking shit and pushing each other. My last trip to M.G.G has really stoked the fire.



Pec Deck Flys
Hammer Strength Bench Press
Machine Side Delt Raises
Hammer Strength Shoulder Press
Barbell Straight Arm Raises to Overhead super set with bent elbow palms up band pull a parts 
Straight Bar Cable Pressdowns