Disclaimer: EliteFTS Team member David Allen writes all of my programming, The exercises listed in these posts' are designed for me based on my needs as an athlete.
What a jam packed day! So I rolled over to the commercial gym with a bunch of EliteFTS bands and ended up using the "Pro Minis" for reverse bench. By the last set (before the reps to failure) my elbows and triceps were really angry at me so that started this workout off on the wrong foot.
The added loaded stretches to this training day bid me no favors either as they both made me reach my pain threshold pretty quick. Bulgarian Split squats were not as bad as last week, don't get me wrong these were still bad, but much more bearable than last time.
The exercise that took the cake today and made me just be done were the Rail Slide OH Press with fat grips. We had to modify this as me and my girlfriend were at her commercial gym. First, we were replacing the rail slides with the smith machine which worked just fine. Secondly, we had to use EliteFTS Krait Wrist Wraps as our "fat grips". This actually worked but I did not care for it much, I think it made it harder cause I was able to make the wraps thicker than a traditional fat grip in the middle portion.
After training was finally over I got to play around with tuning the Infiniti and make some street pulls to send off to the tuner. It was a fun experience to monitor the brain of the car as I was beating the hell out of it from 0-60!
The log was sent off and less than a day later I have my adjusted "race" tune for the car, now its nothing but wasting gas, tires, and clutches from here on out!
*Reverse Band Bench Press: work up to a heavy set of 8 reps and do 2 sets of it, then add weight and do 2 sets of 6, then add weight and do 2 sets of 4 reps, then drop back to your original working weight for 8 and do a set of max reps
*Loaded Stretch on Pec Deck
*Fat Grip Rack Slide Shoulder Press
*Loaded Stretch,Cable EZ Bar behind the head tricep stretch
*Bulgarian Dumbbell Split Squat 5 second negative and a 3 count hold at the top.
*Leg Press Calf Raises: Skipped