Disclaimer: EliteFTS Team member David Allen writes all of my programming, The exercises listed in these posts' are designed for me based on my needs as an athlete.

It is a bitter sweet day for me as a powerlifter, the time has finally come to get back "under the bar" to an old friend who I have many good times and bad times with. The mood of the squat bar today was basically just being an asshole with a prescribed set rep scheme of "work up to a max six". Lets just say we had a little party and busted out the Wake Up Mother FU***R so I didn't fall out.

There have been some issue's with my ability to isolate my chest during pec dominant movements and I called in Thomas Lackie again for advice to aid in understanding and positioning me better for the most effecting contraction. I previously was feeling a shooting staring in my delts and across my clavicle (weirdest pain I have felt in awhile).

Training is chugging along and I have finally hit 200lbs mid day for the last several days straight so I am in a good place with my goal of getting larger (regardless of it being bloat or fat) there is some muscle being added minority somewhere.


*High box squats: work up to a max set of 6: 505

*Standing Calf Raises

*A1: Pec Deck Flys

*A2: Incline Hammer Strength Bench Press

*A3: Wide Grip Pushups

*Leaning Cable Side Raises

*Grenade Ball Cross Body Press Downs