I'm currently in a off season style of training, trying to bring up weak points and improve body composition for the duration of the summer. At the end of summer I will reevaluate where I stand, and decide whether I would like to compete in the late fall, or wait until the XPC Finals in March of 2016.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com
Saturday was a good day of training. It was my first day going back heavy with some deadlifts in almost a month. Surprisingly with all the volume and rest, my deadlift really didn't seem to lose any momentum. I've still got a lot of work to do in this department, but I'm very pleased with this. I ran with the deficit and chains to really increase my time under tension and "grind" to lock the weight out (since I have issues there). I'm really good off the floor, but the deficit made it much harder to lock out due to the length of the pull. I picked this up from Steve Goggins, and I'm looking forward to seeing how I do over the course of this 6 week training block. I honestly probably left quite a bit of weight behind for the day, but considering it was my first main day back to pulling, I decided to be conservative and make the improvements in the weeks to come. It was still a really tough day, and the heat and humidity did not help. I also used the No Hands SSB Box Squats to really enforce my upright torso positioning and upper back work for this day, and man was it hard. My legs had plenty left, but my mid back was smoked. A very successful training day, and steps in the right direction.
Items Used in this Training Session
EZ Loaders
Pro Mini Band
SS Yoke Bar
Box Squat Box
Spud Ab Strap (long)
Warm Up
Reverse Hyper - 290x3x15
Grip Work
A1) Hex DB Holds - 3 sets of max time with 30lb DB
B1) CoC #1 - 3 sets of max reps per hand
C1) Sledge Hammer Int/Ext Rot - 3x5 each way, per hand
A1) Deficit (1.5") Sumo Deadlifts vs Chains
135x5 - add 6 chains and deficit
B1) Snatch Grip Deadlift
C1) No Hands, SSB Wide Stance Box Squat (beltless)
245x3x10 - used bands pulling forward on a whim
D1) Reverse Hyper Partials (top end)
3 sets of failure
E1) Standing Cable Crunches