After coming off my best meet performance of my career, I am now officially a beat up powerlifter. I'm having some minor low back issues that I'm working on mending up, and then I'll begin to find a competitive option. My goals for 2017 are to compete in a bodybuilding show and also get back to the platform 100% healthy.
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Friday rounded out week 8 of training, and another week of being pain free in my back. With a real training schedule now in place and putting most of my focus on rehab or benching, I feel like I had a good week to build some momentum off of finally. We'll string together a few cycles of benching, and see how things are looking to shape up. I've also pinned down a date on which I'm going to be getting back under the squat bar - February 7th is looking to be the date. This is self imposed, but it will give me just a little more than 6 weeks recovery time of no squatting and deadlifting, which I feel is a good time frame to just get under the bar and see how it feels. I've still got to keep up on my breathing and rehab stuff (which truth be told, is pretty boring - but it needs to be done). Axle benching looked good for the day, and numbers aren't in a bad place really. Time to make some headway.
Items Used in this Training Session
El Gordo Fat Bar
Mini Bands
Warm Up
Cats & Camels - 10
Quadraped T-Spine Ext - 10 each
Band Dislocations - 10
Alternating Band Dislocations - 10 each
Band Pressdowns - 15
Band Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns - 15
Band Face Pulls - 15
Single Arm Band Fly - 15 each
Band Rows - 15
Band Curls - 15
A1) Fat Bar Speed Bench Press vs Doubled Mini Bands
75x5 - add bands
B1) Close Grip Fat Bar Bench Press vs Doubled Mini Bands
185x10 - PR
C1) Fat Bar Bench Press vs Doubled Mini Bands
D1) Wtd Chin Ups
3 sets, max reps (+25 lbs)
E1) Bent Over DB Rows
F1) Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns
100 total reps
F2) Face Pulls
100 total reps