After sustaining multiple low back issues the past year, I'm now focusing on being a bench press specialist for the next year or so (both raw and equipped). I'm currently just trying to increase muscle mass and keep my low back healthy and give it time to rest and recover.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email or visit

I'm incredibly behind on my training logs, and I apologize as I've had a lot of life events going on in the past couple weeks. I've still been training hard, but getting to log all my training has just been a struggle, so I'll do my best to catch them up over the course of the next couple weeks.

Just a new speed bench wave for this particular training session. I'm experimenting with some training a bit more and changing things up in my programming. I've still likely got some time until I'm going super heavy again, so we'll see how things pan out. Not a bad day overall though!

Items Used in this Training Session
Swiss Angle Bar
Mini Bands
Swiss Angle Lat Attachment
Blast Straps

Warm Up
Soft Tissue Work - T-Spine, Lats, Glutes, Hamstrings, TFL, Quads
Cats/Camels - 10 each
90-90 T-Spine Rotation - 10 each side
Push Up to Downward Dog - 10
Band Dislocations - 10
Alternating Band Dislocations - 10 per arm
Band Pull Apart Super Series - 1 round
Band Curls, Rows, Pressdowns, Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns - 15 each

A1) Swiss Angle Bar Speed Bench Press vs Doubled Mini Bands
45x5 - add bands

B1) Swiss Angle Bar Bench Press
240x9 - PR

C1) Decline DB Bench Press
75's x 20, 20, 20

D1) DB Chest Supported Rows

E1) DB Rows
4x8 per arm

F1) Swiss Angle Lat Pulldowns

G1) Blast Strap Inverted Rows
G2) Band Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns