If you have weak hamstrings and glutes then you need to do this. You need to do this every time you train lower body, squat days & deadlift days.


I don't do it because it's my weakness, I do it because it's now my strength and I want a bigger squat and deadlift which the more I train the more it keeps going up. My hamstrings and glutes have grown so much since I started this journey called "Powerlifting" the stronger my legs and glutes get  the better my lifts get.

If something is too easy, then make it harder. Train with intensity, turn your regular GHR's into ladders, static holds, superset them with abs or back raises. Add some bands, hold a plate or kettlebell on your chest, the options are endless.

Find your weakness and work the hell out of it. Whether it's upper back, core,  glutes,  hamstrings, grip strength I'm sure there is something you just have to find it and work on it.


Everyone has a sticking point, or a weak spot. I have seen so many lifters lately who have one strong area but the rest are weak. More people need to identify their weakness and make it a strength.

#passiontrumpseverything #livelearnpasson #driven #ghrseveryday