Not a huge Valetine's Day fan, and I'm not just saying that so my boyfriend can make a big deal out of it (which he did). It's a hallmark holiday and I find flowers on a random day more meaningful. So, instead, I wanted to make this day about Casey's mums and grandmums. I cleaned the house and he cooked dinner. We're a good team like that.

Also, treated the children to a special surprise of barkbox treats. Well deserved because they are so darn cute!

On the menu for the humans:

2 different kinds of brisket

2 different kinds of potatoes




Treats and toys that won't even last 24 hours. The box brought 2 choices: a pretzel and a squeaky monster. I let the dogs choose which one they wanted- Lily wanted the squeaky monster and Odi wanted the pretzel. 10 seconds later, Odi changed his mind and wanted the squeaky monster. I'm sure you can imagine how the next hour went...

Friday - Heavy Bench

Plan: work up to heavy triples against bands. I was just not having it; bench felt all over the place. 2 weeks ago I was able to bench 140 for triples. Today, 140 felt heavy. Decided to go heavier for a single, then deload to 135lbs for two triples.


155lbs against micro bands x 1

135lbs against micro bands 2 x 3

Burnout set with the elitefts™ Shoulder Saver Pad

2 tricep movements

2 back movement

Sunday - Heavy Squat

Yoke Bar with chains for a heavy single

Worked up to 270lbs + 80# chains


Good mornings 3 x 10

GHRs 3 x 10

Leg press x 100