Background: I work at OSU as a graduate teaching associate and lift at Ludus Magnus. I am a raw lifter who competes in the 105lb weight classes, and am currently prepping for my next meet (when grad school finally gives me a weekend off) . Currently, I am in the process of trying to accomplish my lofty lifting goals,survive graduate school, and teach undergraduates about what I really love, TRAINING..


Eccentric Week2: DE upper (Monday)

Warm up
1a. 3 x 100 ropes
1b. 3 x 20 lat pulldown
1c. 3 x 20

Neural prep
1. 3 x 3 plyo push-ups with isomeric in bottom

1. Contrast isometric (2 count) speed bench
8 x3+1
1 set
3 reps x 60% with iso pause at chest, above chest , or after reversing weight, no leg drive
1 rep x 80% fast up and down with leg drive

2. Shoulder prehab exercises

That's it, I was running way behind on time, as I overslept