After coming off my best meet performance of my career, I am now taking some time to focus on competing in bodybuilding over the spring of 2017. My nutrition coaching is through Cliff Wilson, and I have not yet determined the shows I'm competing in at this time.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email or visit

I ended up having to knock this training session out on a Friday, as I would be coaching all day on Saturday. Training some legs and then driving three hours is never the best idea, but I wanted to get in some solid training before more garbage eating that I knew would take place over the weekend.

I usually always give myself a week after a meet to eat whatever I want and not really track any of my food. After all the hard work and consistency for months on end, it's always nice to just have that down week of not worrying about anything. So I figure the least I can do is train a little bit and put some of that food to good use.

My official training will start next Saturday (11/19), and based upon training log responses a weekly recap video wise is what I'm going to try to compile. I still think I'm going to document each training session separately here in my log for my own records, so it can suffice to meet both the readers and those that enjoy the videos.

So for the next few training sessions, this will be entirely by feel and how I'm feeling, but starting Saturday the training will be hitting head on. Nutrition will not start until December (when my coaching with Cliff begins). I will begin to clean things up on my end on Tuesday (11/16), but still be sure to enjoy Thanksgiving.

Thanks again to those of you that provided feedback, I really appreciate it!

Items Used in this Training Session
Monster Mini Band
Spider Bar
Box Squat Box
EZ Loaders

Warm Up
PRI Breathing Work - 5 min
Hip Flexor Stretch - 30 sec per leg
Leg Swings (forward and side to side) - 10 each
Single Leg RDL - 10 per leg
Bulgarian Split Squat - 10 per leg
Goblet Squat - 10
Standing Band Crunch - 15

A1) Seated Band Leg Curls

B1) Spider Bar Box Squats vs 3 Chains Per Side
Sets of 10 up to 260x10
Then 3 drop sets, pulling one chain per  side

C1) Bulgarian Split Squats
4x20 per leg

D1) TKE Squats

E1) GHR (Elevated)
2 sets, max reps
E2) GHH/Back Extension off GHR
2 sets, max reps

F1) Sit Ups off GHR vs Band