*9 Weeks Out from Lexen Xtreme Fall Classic*

Today's training was pause floor press again, this time 5x3 with 305lbs. As the sets went on, these started to get pretty tough, but I made it through all 5 sets that I was supposed to do. Next week will be back to pin presses and dumbbell volume work.

Notes for Improvement: Continue to focus on pausing on the floor, warming up shoulders adequately, and keeping lats tight. 

Last Week's Training: Max Effort Floor Press w/ 285 & Pin Press

Next Week's Training: Dumbbell Floor Press & Pin Press

A1. Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown - 5x12

A2. Pushups - 3x20

B. Pause Floor Press - 5x3 w/ 305lbs


C. Down Set Close Grip Floor Press - 3x8 w/ 225lbs

D. One-Arm Dumbbell Rows - 3x12

E. One-Arm Cable Shoulder Raises - 3x12

F1. Rolling Dumbbell Extensions - 3x15

F2. Face Pulls - 3x15

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