*11 Weeks Out from Lexen Xtreme Fall Classic*
I was in London, OH early this weekend (I typically only drive up on Saturdays to train) because some of the team were in town for Clint Darden's seminar he did on Saturday. I wanted to get some shirted benches in while I have the help, so I started working up to some benches to a 1-board. The past few weeks I haven't been able to bench at all because of a strained pec, so I was really taking my time warming up trying to feel things out, I also used the 1-board during all my raw warm-ups to help protect my pec. I ended up working up to 515lbs pretty easily, then tried to take a few shots at 550lbs but couldn't do it. I got some more good feedback on my bar path from the rest of the guys and I definitely have some things to work on. I'm also going to try and get a new bench shirt before my meet, the one I'm using is pretty loose. I kept the pressing assistance work to a minimum, since my chest was starting to ache after bench. It's definitely much better than it was a few weeks ago, so I'm hoping another week and it'll be 100%.
Last Week's Training: Light Accessory Work (Injury)
Next Week's Training: Floor Press & 5" Pin Presses
A. Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown - 5x12
B. Incline Dumbbell Presses (light) - 4x20
C. Shirted Bench in Metal Ace to 1-board
550x1 (fail)
D1. Seated Cable Rows w/ Mag Grip - 5x12
D2. Seated Machine Shoulder Raise - 5x15
E1. Tricep Pushdowns - 4x15
E2. Rolling Dumbbell Tricep Extensions - 4x10
F. Dumbbell Hammer Curls - 3x15
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