I’m currently in off season mode working on bringing up certain qualities and weaknesses I noticed from the IPA Grand Prix Nationals. This training will be laying the ground for my training cycle into the 2016 XPC Finals.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com

Sunday I got in some heavy bench pressing with Trey back in the garage. This sessions attacked my triceps just as much as last week, but with some nice little changes. I'm rather pleased with my 275x3 to the board, as my best to the chest is 280x1. So some pretty good overload, but I also suck off 1 boards since that is about where I start to slow down off the chest (hence all the tricep work). A little bit of prehab work and abs and I was out.

Weather is beginning to get a bit chilly so we're back "indoors", which can sometimes be a pain. Nothing too crazy yet, but I know with December fast approaching, warm ups are going to start to need to be good and thorough before getting under the bar.

And hey, the Eagles beat Dallas and Purdue looked like an abomination. At least I eeked out one win with my teams this weekend.


Items Used in this Training Session
Mini Bands
Monster Mini Band

Warm Up
DB Bench Press - 2x15
Band Face Pulls - 2x20
Band Pressdowns - 2x20
Band Curls - 2x15

A1) 1 Board Bench Press vs Doubled Mini Bands
45x5 - add bands
185x5 - add board
275x3 - PR
235x4 - used a medium/closer grip

B1) Neutral Grip DB Floor Press vs Monster Mini Band
55's x8
65's x8
75's x8
85's x8

C1) Incline Tate Press

D1) Decline DB Skull Crushers

E1) Standing Band External Rotations
150 total reps

F1) Overhead Band Tricep Extensions
100 total reps

G1) Standing Band Crunches off GHR