After an abysmal showing at APF Equipped Nationals, I'm now in an off season mode of training. Currently, I am in a hypertrophy block focusing on quality of movement and time under tension. This will build the foundation for my strength phases to prepare for WPC World's in November.
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Thursday's back training rounded out the second week of the hypertrophy training block. Another quick one, but a really good training day. I managed to get a ton of sleep the night before and even was able to squeeze in a nap before training. I feel that I'm making some good strides in isolating muscles and my body is appreciating it. I've been meaning to try and get in a chiropractor appointment, but with my work schedule and his operating hours, I can just never get in. I'm essentially working during all his operating hours which has been incredibly frustrating. It looks like I might have a window of time next week, so I'm hoping I can manage to squeeze it in. I haven't had an adjustment since before the meet, and I can tell I'm in need of one.
Starting next week I move to the 5 day split of training, adding in another leg day to the mix. Recovery has been going well so I do indeed feel ready, and I'm ready for some extra stimulus.
In addition to training, I've been studying for my GMAT, so my free time has been spent studying...not something that I enjoy, but that needs to be done. I've been studying since the end of the meet, and I've finally registered to sit and take my exam next Thursday morning. I'm hoping I only need one shot at it to get it over with, so that I can start the application process to various schools. While I wouldn't start likely until next fall (unless I attend Indiana State University, where they have rolling admissions where I would be able to start up in the spring), I'll still have ample time to keep things pretty normal. Just having the monkey off my back of the GMAT will be a huge relief. But there could also be a major decision that needs to be made in the fall based upon acceptance of where I apply. I very well could be leaving town next year, and even the state. So I'll have a lot of crucial life decisions to make in the fall, and it's starting to set in. Like I said, plenty of time, but it's starting to set in that come World's my competing may need to take a backseat. Training will always be a top priority, but I may just have to give competing a rest until I know what is going to happen moving forward.
P.S. - For those of you debating extra school, don't wait. Just keep going. Having to sit down and rework algebra, geometry, problem solving, and grammar is not fun. I'm more than likely going to end up with 8 years of higher education, and while I love learning, I could have been just about any profession with the time I will have spent going to school (lawyer, doctor, therapist, etc.).
Items Used in this Training Session
Meadows Handle
Econo Core Blaster
Mace Ball
MAG Grip
Warm Up
Cats & Camels - 10
Quadraped T-Spine Ext - 10 each
Band Dislocations - 10
Alternating Band Dislocations - 10 each
Band Pressdowns - 15
Band Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns - 15
Band Face Pulls - 15
Single Arm Band Fly - 15 each
Band Rows - 15
Band Curls - 15
A1) One Arm Barbell Row
4x10 per arm + drop set on last set
B1) Single Arm Straight Arm Lat Pulldown with Mace Ball
3x12 per arm
C1) MAG Grip Lat Pulldown
D1) Single Arm DB Shrug
3x12 per arm