The moment you decide you know everything is the moment you prove you don't know jack shit.I will be the first to say the science behind powerlifting baffles me. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I make a valiant effort to absorb as much as I can, from as many sources as possible: books, videos, people, and lastly seminars.
The magnitude of information available this day in age significantly surpasses what once could only be imagined, the one and only good thing the internet has contributed to this sport. Unfortunately, I find it utterly disappointing that people will research drugs for hours and hours on end and yet they couldn't answer a few simple questions about basic training principles.
We've all heard it. What are you training today? "I don't know whatever my coach tells me" why? "uh I don't know that's why I pay him" nails on a fucking chalkboard. If you've followed me for some time, you should know I have a coach (Swede) who has helped me, not just with programming but with understanding why I'm doing what I'm doing.
The thing that confuses me is this, from 2007 until this morning as I write this I have the 11th best total on powerlifting watch, and I am still eager to learn, I mean there are ten people in front of me after all. I still attend seminars and love exchanging ideas with other guys on my level searching for one more weapon in my arsenal. There is something about knowing why you are doing something that gives you the confidence needed to compete.
I see guys, and girls get a "decent" total and are more worried about spending money on drugs. How good are the Test and Tren without the synergy of knowledge, and people wonder why injuries run rampant. You can drug your way to a "big" total, no doubt about it but let's see how long you stick around.
Lifters will spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on food and supplements, but nobody wants to drive a few hours and pay fifty bucks to learn from people who've made mistakes and can help you not to make them, or at least lessen the chances. Instant gratification at its finest, no one wants to work and chip away over the years. It's just how it goes now. There is always a new flash in the pan, they come and go, sure they do great things for a short period but fade away so fast that they leave no lasting impression on the game let alone pass on anything of importance.
Drugging yourself into strength is like eating a big bowl of oatmeal with only three berries in it, sure you get full, and it serves it purpose, but you could get so much more outta a good mixture of both. (side note) If someone ever served me a bowl of oats with three berries, I'd fight them, who would do that? Ok, sorry had a SHW moment back on track.
I'm telling you if you "love" training the way your memes, t-shirt's and post say you do, then take my advice. Read, go to seminars, travel to different gyms experience what other people do to get stronger. If ten people explain how to correct an issue on something you never know it might be that tenth person that says it in such a way that it just clicks.
I guess it's just me being wildly imaginative as usual hoping that people would treat something I love a little more seriously. You can never know enough when it comes to getting better, the moment you get complacent in your training and or education you pull up on the proverbial emergency break and halt all progress. Always remember to live, LEARN, pass on. #elitefts #5thset