The following details my primary leg workout from this past Saturday morning at Kirkland Gold’s Gym.  The workout was based on a program by John Meadows with some of my own modifications and additions.  I trained with Christina and here is exactly what I did…


Superset: 1.5 Lying Leg Curls & Hip Thrusters


Lying Leg Curls x 6 (1.5) reps with 110lbs

Immediately followed by…

Hip Thrusters x 15 reps with 135lbs


*The key on the lying leg curls is to curl the weight up until the pad hits your butt, then lower half way, curls back up and then extend fully – that’s one rep.  Normally the half rep is done out the bottom/stretched position, so I decided to do it from the top today.  We were pressed for time a bit this morning so I decided to superset the leg curls with hip thrusters.  On the hip thrusters briefly pause in the contracted position for the first 10 reps and then pump out the remaining 5 reps for a total of 15.


Here is a video:




Bandbell E-MAXX Squats


As you know I cannot squat with anything but very light weight.  Today we used the Bandbell E-MAXX Bar as seen here:


I hung the weight with these bands, here:, and here:


Set 1 x 20 reps with two 25lb plates hanging from each side

Set 2 x 20 reps with two 25lb plates hanging from each side

Set 3 x 20 reps with two 25lb plates hanging from each side

Set 4 x 20 reps with two 25lb plates hanging from each side


Here is a video so you can see the bar in action:




*The idea behind the Bandbell Bar is that it oscillates via the flexible bar and via weight hanging from bands.  It requires a tighter core and creates more muscle activation due to the instability.  Pumping out high reps brings a ton of blood to the quads.


Superset: Leg Press & Leg Extensions


Leg Press x 10 reps with 6 plates/side

Immediately followed by…

Leg Extensions x 10 reps with 145lbs


*This combination took the quad pump to another level.  Control the descent on the leg press, pause briefly at the bottom and press back up for a total of 10 reps.  Immediately go to leg extensions and pause in the contracted/flexed position for a split second on all 10 reps.  My quads were so pumped that I stretched each leg for 30 seconds between each superset.  Perform this superset for a total of 5 rounds.


Walking Lunges


Set 1 x 12 strides with each leg using bodyweight only

Set 2 x 12 strides with each leg using bodyweight only


*I used this as simply a finisher to stretch everything out.  Take long strides and gently touch your trailing knee to the ground on each lunge.


That concluded this primary leg workout.


Train hard!
