I’m currently in meet prep for the 2015 IPA Grand Prix Nationals at the Greater Columbus Convention Center on October 24th, in Columbus, Ohio. I will be competing at 132 pounds, raw with knee wraps.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com

Thursday was more speed bench and accessory work. It was a good way to round out the second week of meet prep. Things are still feeling good and I'm making some good progress on my accessory work. At the time, it seems so little, but I know over the course of prep this will add up and hopefully result in some PR's come meet day. Even my grip work is making some progress, and I really suck with the Fat Gripz since I have such small hands. Baby steps forward, and they're adding up.



Items Used in this Training Session
Mini Band
Meadows Handle
E Series Core Blaster

Warm Up
DB Bench Press - 55's x3x15
Mini Band Pull Aparts - 4x25
Wtd Side Plank - 3x20 sec/side

Grip Work
A1) Fat Grip DOH Rack Pull- 170x3, 160x6, 145x9
B1) Fat Grip Coan Deadlift - up to 80x20 sec/hand
C1) Sledge Hammer Lever Work - 2x5 each way

A1) Speed Bench, Paused vs Doubled Mini Bands 
45x5 - add bands

B1) Close Grip Board Work vs Doubled Mini Bands
175x6 - 1bd
185x5 - 2bd
200x14 - 3bd PR

C1) DB Overhead Press
55's x 3x12

D1) DB Skulls

E1) Wtd Wide Grip Pull Ups
3 sets of near failure + drop set

F1) Meadows Row
3x12 per arm

G1) Meadows Shrugs
3x15 per arm