I'm currently in a off season style of training, trying to bring up weak points and improve body composition for the duration of the summer. At the end of summer I will reevaluate where I stand, and decide whether I would like to compete in the late fall, or wait until the XPC Finals in March of 2016.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com

Saturday I was back to some heavy squatting. I mixed a few things up in my programming to address some weaknesses I began to see that were changing. The front squats were a nice mix up, and I wish I had been doing these a bit earlier, but better late than never. I also realized that the band set up I was using was causing a big issue with my positioning (which is explained in detail in the video). Overall a solid session, and grip work seems to be going well and in the right direction as well. It was another super hot day of training, and I'm ready for the end of August to start rolling around when the weather starts to become a bit more friendly. Satruday's tend to be my refeed day in terms of nutrition, and boy did I need it after this tough session.

I also thing I've eyed a meet I would like to do, but we're still going to see how things play out for about another week or so. I'll make a final decision soon, but more than likely I'll hit the platform in the fall at some point as I'm feeling pretty good.


Items Used in this Training Session
Monster Mini Bands
Light Bands
Tsunami Lat Bar

Warm Up
Reverse Hyper - 290x4x12

Grip Work
A1) DOH Rack Pull - 315x2; 285x6; 250x10
B1) Coan Deadlift - 3x15 sec, top weight 135
C1) CoC #0.5 - 2 sets per hand

A1) Buffalo Bar Squat vs Monster Mini Bands
55x5 - add bands
425x3 - PR

405x5 - PR

B1) Buffalo Bar Front Squats vs Monster Mini Bands

C1) Todd Brock Strip the Rack Deadlifts vs Monster Mini Bands Pulling Forward

D1) Rack Sissy Squats
D2) Seated Band Leg Curls

E1) Behind the Neck Tsunami Bar Lat Pulldowns
E2) Standing Band Crunches

5x12, 2x20