Currently Training for: Lexen Xtreme Fall Classic - Oct. 31st

Current Best Lifts: 750lb Squat, 525lb Bench, 650lb Deadlift, 1925lb Total @ 220 (multi-ply)

Training Style: Conjugate, 2 Max Effort Sessions and 2 Dynamic Effort Sessions per week, along with 1-2 extra small sessions consisting of Lat, Ab, and GHR or Reverse Hyper Exercises.

Last week went well with training, this week things were a little more rough. I've been having more issues with sleep and some other stuff again; and these few weeks have been pretty tough. At this point in training, the priority is to be as healthy as possible and make it to meet day so just need to ride things out right now.. I've been in this same boat before and am still mentally focused on meet day.

The Breakdown of this Week's Training, 3 Weeks Out:

*Click on each training day for a detailed explanation of the workout.

Saturday, Oct. 3rd: Speed Squats w/ 335 + Average & Light Bands


Sunday, Sept. 27th: Speed Bench vs Doubled Mini Bands & 4 Chains


Monday, Sept. 28th No Training

Tuesday, Sept. 29th: Max Effort Squats up to 700x1


Wednesday, Sept. 30th: No Training

Thursday, Oct. 1st: Paused Floor Press Triples in Metal Catapult up to 405x3


Friday, Oct. 2nd: No Training

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