Currently Training for: Lexen Xtreme Fall Classic - Oct. 31st

Current Best Lifts: 750lb Squat, 525lb Bench, 650lb Deadlift, 1925lb Total @ 220 (multi-ply)

Training Style: Conjugate, 2 Max Effort Sessions and 2 Dynamic Effort Sessions per week, along with 1-2 extra small sessions consisting of Lat, Ab, and GHR or Reverse Hyper Exercises.

Making progress in week 7, recovery workouts with reverse hypers and sled drags seem to be helping. Continue to be careful with my pec minor, and hoping it will continue to heal leading into meet day. Made some adjustments to speed work and max effort reps and things are moving in a good direction. 

The Breakdown of this Week's Training, 7 Weeks Out:

*Click on each training day for a detailed explanation of the workout.

Saturday, Sept. 13th: Squat Speed Wave vs. Avg Bands Week 2


Sunday, Sept. 14th: Speed Bench Wave & New Wu Tang Clan Music


Monday, Sept. 15th: No Training

Tuesday, Sept. 16th: Deficit Deadlifts up to 525x2 & 550x1


Wednesday, Sept. 17th: Sled Drags, Standing Pull-Down Abs, Reverse Hypers.

Thursday, Sept. 18th: Pause Floor Press w/ Slingshot 

Friday, Sept. 19th: No Training

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