I’m currently in off season mode working on bringing up certain qualities and weaknesses I noticed from the IPA Grand Prix Nationals. This training will be laying the ground for my training cycle into the 2016 XPC Finals.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com
Monday evening I got in my first "mini" session of the off season. The goal with these sessions is to get some blood flow moving and continue to get some extra work in for specific weaknesses and body parts. Really this is just replacing my conditioning sessions with just a little bit of light lifting. Nothing was by no means hard, and I left the session feeling better than when I left (which is my goal for these). I'm hoping the extra work and minor stimulation adds up over the next few months. I also figure since I'm going to be training my grip anyways, I might as well get a productive session in. All in all, this whole session took me only 30 minutes, and that's probably going to be my time cap moving forward. Lower days I might go 45 minutes as it will take me a bit more to get warmed up and moving, but we'll see on Wednesday.
Feels good to be back training grip again though. This was already a PR (I'm guessing due to the full month of not training grip). Gotta keep getting these hands stronger.
Items Used in this Training Session
Mini Bands
Fat Gripz
A1) Chaos Bench Press
B1) Push Ups
100 total reps
C1) Prone DB Tricep Kick Backs
5x20 per arm
D1) Swiss Bar Hammer Curls
E1) Rolling Thunder
Left - 92.5x2; 82.5x7; 75 x Max Time
Right - 95x2; 85x7; 77.5 x Max Time
F1) Single Arm Fat Grip Pull Up Hang
2 sets of max time per arm