Wed, 24 Feb 16

Training was off to a good start today when Murphy stepped in and took over.  My girlfriend was supposed to fly down to FL for a vacation with her family, but since we had storms with high wind and tornado warnings, after 3 hours at the airport they cancelled her flight.  This news arrived right after I had finished deadlifting so I had an hour long break before coming back to try and finish up.









7x525 - Not my best work, but after a crappy bench day on Monday I was glad to see I was not down from where I thought I should be.

SS Yoke Bar Box Squat (w/ forward band tension)

8x155 + lights & minis

8x205 + lights & minis

Right before the set with 205 I got the call about the flight cx so I headed out to the airport at this point.  When I got back, I had a splitting headache and tried to get going enough to finish up, but all I managed were a few more sets of squats as follows.

10x155 + lights

10x175 + lights

10x195 + lights

That was all for today.  I'm already looking forward to the start of my next wave of training as I have a couple of changes planned out that I think will help more with tugging and pressing.