Weightlifting Training & Technique

Weightlifting Training & Technique

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Book excerpts from the (Biomechanics of weightlifting exercises) by Ilya Pavlovich Zhekov. Sections by Medvedyev, Roman, Varbanov, Kanyevsky. This is an excellent book detailing the training and technique of weightlifting.

Table of Contents:

  • Biomechanics of weightlifting exercises
  • Peculiarities of the elastic deformation of the bar during the clean
  • Peculiarities of modern clean technique
  • The clean and jerk technique of Alaxander varbanov
  • A biomechanical analysis of special assistance exercises for the snatch
  • Variations of the dynamic start for the snatch
  • Teaching the starting position of the snatch and the clean and jerk to novice weightlifters
  • The junior weightlifter
  • Improving flexibility with the aid of resistance
  • The effectiveness of the pre-competitive warm up in weightlifting
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