What kind of things do you tell yourself?  What is that inner dialog you have with the person in the mirror?

I tell my folks if you are going to have negative stinking thinking thoughts how am I going to be able to "chirp" you?  Don't take my fun away!  (Sort of kidding but not really)

You've wasted enough time on all that you should have done, would have done, could have done.  Guess what?  If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle.

You have many more goals and aspirations.  It takes courage and some positive "self talk" for us to realize those dreams.

So don't die a fucking pussy and start to see the person you want to become!

Now do the work!!!


Today's Training:

AirDyne: 30 mins

Dynamic Bench: 9x3x10 lbs more than last week

C/S Row: 3x10x140

Tricep Rope Pushdown: 3x20x110

BB Curl: 3x8x weight used Wed.

DB side Laterals: 3x30x GO HEAVY even if you are moving the weight four or five inches.  Don't put them down nor STOP!  Get all the reps

Shrugs: 4x8x405

Bike Commute: Raining

AirDyne II: 30 mins.

Meridian Stretch exercises