Getting Lean

“I saw your tweets about getting lean the other day, could you elaborate on what you are doing for your diet and how its working for you? Thanks!” - Andrew

I've been working with my cousin, Dave Pulcinella, regarding my nutrition. We're just trying to bring my weight little just a little and slowly chip away adding muscle and losing fat. Dave was a top, national caliber amateur bodybuilder for 25 years and now makes his living dialing people in for the "Jr. Nats." His approach is very old school; seven meals a day, same foods at the same time every day, nothing fancy, no gimmicks.

It's working perfectly, my body weight came down 25 pounds, my body fat percent is sliding down every day, my energy is great, my strength is holding steady and my lifting belt is now too big for me. I'd like to see if I can hold steady at 270 pounds or so and get my body fat down to 10 percent.

Here's a rundown of how I’m eating right now:

  • 7AM: 2 cups dry oatmeal, 5 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 1 banana
  • 9AM: 2 cups brown rice, 10 oz chicken
  • 10AM: Training
  • Noon: Metrx Meal replacement drink, one banana
  • 2PM: 1 cup brown rice, 10 oz chicken
  • 4PM: 1 cup brown rice, 10 oz chicken
  • 6PM: Turkey or tuna sandwich on whole grain and piece of fruit
  • 9PM: 2 scoops whey protein

I know, boring as hell right? But, don't be thinking you'll be seeing me on stage, all oiled up, in a sparkly thong anytime soon – it won't be happening.

Here's a sample of Dave's philosophy on dieting from a documentary called "Raising The Bar."