This is posted with minimal formatting and no images. The reason for this is is that this is a REAL program that you will need to print out to follow. Use the social icons to the left of this program or at the bottom of it to find a print friendly or PDF icon so you can print or email to yourself. We feel tossing a ton of formatting and images in here, while would look great to read, will make the program too long to print or follow via PDF reader.
Awhile back, I was lucky enough to run into two things: the book, "Triphasic Training" by Cal Diez, and strength coach Ross Bowsher at Purdue. Now, with that being said, both the book and Bowsher are the influences that lead to this program templates creation. Now, I will say this, I would never have been able to put this together without the help of Ross; credit must be given where it's due. Together, we used this for one of my off-seasons. Then I took what I learned from that off-season, changed some things, and have made this template for you to use.
Why a template?
I made this as a template instead of a direct porgram because everyone has different weaknesses and equipment. I wanted to make sure it could be useful to all types of trainees, athletes, and lifters.
Now the important part: what does the "C" stand for? Well, many of you will look at the program and think, "Hey that looks like the conjugate system." But it's not.
Well, it KIND OF is. What most people believe to be conjugate is actually concurrent periodization and, the academic in me refuses to mislabel the program. The general consensus of what conjugate is, is incorrect. Sure, it's trivial semantics, but it matters to me.
What is the difference between conjugate and concurrent?
Conjugate: Each block/week/ microcycle (a microcycle for our case in this program, is a week of training) focuses on training one specific goal of resistance training (strength, power, hypertrophy, or endurance, while the other three are maintained). So each day within that week has the same goal focus (if your micro cycle is a week long).
Why the double C?
Well, if we look at a week in this template, we have two dynamic days and two max effort days. Since we are training power and strength in the same week(microcycle), this makes it concurrent. However, from a larger outlook we are training three mesocycles with one specific goal per three week block. Since each mesocycles (aka three weeks of training and a Deload) has a specific triphasic focus (eccentric, Isometric, concentric), the program could also be called conjugate.
Maybe I should have made it three C's. But it's relevant, so I have faith you guys will understand.
With this program, each mesocycle (aka three weeks/microcycles) focuses on a different portion of a muscle action. With muscle action there are three phases:
1. Eccentric component(lowering the weight/moving with gravity). Weeks 1-3 will have this as the overall focus.
2. Isometric component (the static equilibrium where the muscles action reverses direction from lowering to rising). Weeks 4-6 will have this as the overall focus.
3. Concentric component (the up portion of the lift/when you move against gravity). Weeks 7-9 has this as the overall focus
And then within each week (microcycle) we will have a four day rotation:
- Max effort upper
- Max effort lower
- Dynamic effort upper
- Dynamic effort lower
As for assistance work, your rep range should be dictated by your goal. Here is the assistance work guidelines relative to different goals:
- Power/explosiveness or dynamic effort (50–70 percent 1RM, jumps/throws/sprints and Olympic lifts)
- Max strength (1–5 RM)
- Hypertrophy goals (5–15 RM)
- Structural and strength endurance (15–20 RM)
Additional terms of importance:
So finally before we get into the plan, I will answer a question I am going to assume you are wondering: why, why, why did you set this up?
Well, let me ask you this: If you were going to say your goal was to eat peanut butter from a jar with a spoon, then you would have three components equally as important to making that happen. You would have to have a spoon, peanut butter, and a jar. Thus, if your goal was to successfully enhance a muscle action (squat, bench, etc.) executing each triphasic portion of the lift is equally as important. So, if that is the case, why not break your training into blocks (mesocycles) that equally get the same attention, since they are equally as important to your success? This is what I did.
Program Template
Note: with assistance work
Assistance: For those looking to gain:
Strength: 3-5 sets x 3-6 reps on first assistance (think of it as a builder) then next to exercise two sets to high rep failure (increase in blood flow will help begin to facilitate recovery)
Size: keep the reps in the 8-12 range with 2-3 sets per exercise
Muscular endurance: timed sets (60sec +), 20 plus reps, sets of 100
Note: With Deload, it occurs every 4th week
Focus on high rep work to get blood flow to the body and increase/aid in recovery.
Phase One
Eccentric power phase
A1. Squats 5 sec eccentric 1 sec pause in hole explode up
week 1 8 sets of 5 reps 40%
week 2 8 sets of 4 reps 45%
week 3 8 sets of 3 reps 50%
A2. box Jumps or Sprints
With jumps...
week 1 8 sets of 2 reps
week 2 add weight or box height 8x2 rep
week 3 add weight or box height 8x2 rep
(If you are a slow lifter, aim to increase height, and if you are explosive aim to increase weight)
B1. Speed Pulls (competition stance, from floor)
week 1 5x3 reps w a 3 sec eccentric 65% plus band
week 2 5x3 reps w a 3 sec eccentric 70% plus band
week 3 5x3 reps w a 3 sec eccentric 75% plus band
(Lower the bar with the form as perfect as when u pick it up)
1. Hamstring/ glute exercise
2. Quad exercise
3. Lowerback/ upper back exercise
Day 2 upper eccentric power
A1.Speed bench press w micro band w 5 sec eccentric, 2 count pause inch above chest, then drop to chest and explode up
week 1 40% 8x3 reps
week 2 45% 8x3 reps
week 3 50% 8x3 reps
A2. Lat Pull Downs 8 sets of ___(depends on your goal)reps change grips each 2 sets (wide,narrow, reverse, ultra wide) and focus on retract then pull
B1. Shoulder Exercise (overhead or incline variation)
Strength: 5x5 w a 3 sec eccentric
Hypertrophy: 3 x 8-12 (3 sec Ecc)
Muscle endurance: 2x failure (3 sec eccentric)
- Rowing exercise
- Tricep exercise
- Rear delt exercise
Day 3 heavy squat deadlift day
Squat power cluster all sets 90 sec rest!!
week 1
80%x2 reps
,82%x1 reps
75%x5 reps
80%x2 reps
82%x1 rep
75%x5 reps
80%x2 reps
85%x1 rep
Week 2 –
85%x1 rep
90%x1 rep
75%x3 reps
85%x1 rep
80%x2 reps
90%x1 reps
75%x5 reps
Week 3 –
2. Deadlift variation (opposite of comp. stance)
Instructions: put bar in j-hook at lock out and "lower to the floor" over 5 sec
Do this 3x
Pick a weight heavy enough to maintain form but struggle
Make sure to put back in rack you unload bar first! Do not pick it up
Heavy Bench Day
Volume Bench Training-strict pause everything
Week 1
add 2 board 85% x 3 singles close grip
Add 2 board 85% x 3 reps x 2 sets ( first rep to board, 2nd to chest, third to the 2board)
Then 2xfailure db flat bench elbows out (aim 6-12)
Week 2
85%x 4 singles
add 2board
90%x 3 singles close grip
90% x 3-5 reps x 2sets regular grip
Then 2xfailure db incline bench elbows out (aim 6-12)
Week 3
90%x2 singles
92% x2 singles
add 2 board 90%x3 reps x2 sets close grip
2board 95% x3 singles regular grip
Then 2xfailure db decline bench elbows out (aim 6-12)
1.Rowing exercise
2a.Tricep exerecise
2b. Bicep Exercise
2c. Upper back exercise
Phase Two-Isometric Phase
ME High Box Squat
week 1 work up to 2x3 90% of squat max
week 2 work up to 2x2 95%
week 3 work up to 3 singles over 90% to a max around 105-110%
**The idea with the high box, is it will provide an isometric and an overload. Only set it an inch above parallel.
Close Stance High Bar Pause squats, Deep!
week 1 3x4 65%
Week 2 2x4 70%
Week 3 2x3 72-75%
Speed Deadlifts 30 sec rest (opposite of what you pull in a meet)
Week 1 8 singles 60%
week 2 6 singles 65%
week 3 7 singles 70%
1a.Lowerback Exercise
1b. Abs
1c. Single Leg hamstring exercise
Me Bench Day
week 1 max triple 3 board should be between 92-95% paused
week 2 max double 2 board should be between 100-102% paused
week 3 max single 1 board
4 inch High Pin Press w 3 sec ISO HOLD
week 1 3x5 85%
week 2 3x3 92%
week 3 2x2 100%
1. Pull ups 4sets x max reps
2a. tricep extension
2b. facepull
2c. abdominal exercise
DE squat day
week 1 Speed Pause 2 sec hold Squats 8x2 reps 60%
week 2 Speed Pause 2 sec hold squats 8x2 reps 65%
week 3 Speed Pause 2 sec hold squats 8 singles 70%
Isometric (comp stance) deadlifts against pins (5sec hold)
week 1 3x2x11sec
week 2 2x2x9sec
week 3 3x2x11sec
**set pin right below or at sticking point
1. Lunge variation
2a. Glute/hamstring exercise
2b. abs
DE bench
Competition grip pause bench w 3 count Iso-pause right above chest
week 1 10x3 60%
week 2 8x3 65%
week 3 6x3 70%
Heavy DB work or Weighted Dips
week 1 5x5
week 2 4x4
week 3 3x3
1. 8 Sets of Lat work
2a. Tricep Exercise
2b. Upperback work
2c. Bicep Work
Three-Concentric Phase
day 1 lower body dynamic effort
Heavy walk outs first then,
Speed contrast squats against bands 45 sec rest
52%x3 fast
week 2
55%x3 fast!
week 3
60%x3 fast
Deadlift (competition stance) Straight weight triples work up to:
weeks 1 80%
week 2 85%
week 3 88
3a. Hamstring
3b. Unilateral Quad
Day 2
Dynamic Upper Body
Bench speed v. band
40%x3 comp grip
50%x1 close grip
40%x3 comp grip
50%x1 close grip
40%x3 comp grip
55%x1 close grip
40%x3 comp grip
50%x1 close grip
40%x3 comp grip
50%x1 close grip
40%x3 comp grip
55%x1 close grip
40%x3 comp grip
50%x1 close grip
40%x3 comp grip
50%x1 close grip
40%x3 comp grip
55%x1 close grip
pin press lock out week 1
Week One: 110% 3x3
120% 2x2
125-140% 3x1
1a. DB bench variation
1b. lat work
2a. rear delt work
2b. pec work
Day 3-Max Lower
(opposite stance )Speed Pulls v. accommodating resistance
60% x6 singles
week 2 65% x6 singles
week 3 70% x 6 singles
Squat wave loading
week 1 work sets
week 2
week 2
1. Unilateral Leg exercise
2a. High rep hamstring
2b. abs
Day 4-Max Upper
1. Paused bench, wave loading
week 2
week 3
close grip board work v. band
3 board 55%x6 repsx 2 sets
week 2
3 board 55%x6(66), 65%x3(78), 70%x2(85)
week 3
3 board 55%x6(66), 65%x3(78), 70%x1(85), 75%x1(90)
1. 8 sets of pull ups
2a.high rep tricep work
2b. high rep pec work
2c high rep rear delt work.
Header image courtesy of LTevebaugh-Photographer at www.ltevebaugh.smugmug.com
Also, sorry for the typo Noe = now!
Our goal is to try to get out 3 solid programs per month.
PLEASE, if you have any questions about this ask Jenn. This is one of the better programs I've ever seen
To the readers, please ask questions if you have them! I actually adapted a similar template of this to a student class of 20 to see if I could concurrently increase muscle strength (maximal ) and muscular endurance. The program was two days a week in 20 collage age guys and girls. 2 days a week of training. The results were pretty awesome. I hope to get that written up for everyone soon since I think it is a program that people who train for fitness, but not powerlifting, might really appreciate.
In the second phase (iso), what kind of load should be used for the isometric deadlifts?
I need to fit this into 11 weeks not 12 (including the final delaod) so will need to lose a deload week. Would you recommend after the first or second macro?