A Conjugate-Triphasic Program for a PR Squat
A Conjugate-Triphasic Program for a PR Squat
It’s hard to argue that triphasic training produces results. But what happens when you combine triphasic and conjugate training methods? I decided to find out with an experiment and apply it to my squat. The result: I added more than 50 pounds to my squat in 4 months.
The Six-Day Triphasic Microcycle
The Six-Day Triphasic Microcycle
We ran the first variation of this setup in preparation for our last powerlifting meet and it resulted in around 1,400 pounds of total PRs spread amongst nine different lifters.
3 Reasons You Should Be Using Triphasic Training for Powerlifting
3 Reasons You Should Be Using Triphasic Training for Powerlifting
Is your program letting you down? These three aspects of Triphasic Training will repair the damage of repetitive incompetency.
Newtonian Laws in Motion: Physics in the Weight Room
Newtonian Laws in Motion: Physics in the Weight Room
The three laws of motion are the roots of athlete programming. Find out how to apply these rules and improve your athletes.
The C-2 Training Program
The C-2 Training Program
With this program, each mesocycle (aka 3 weeks/microcycles) focuses on a different portion of a muscle action. In other words – This will make you STRONG(ER).
Movements Rediscovered Through Triphasic Training
Movements Rediscovered Through Triphasic Training
James discusses Cal Dietz's book Triphasic Training.
Triphasic Training for Powerlifting
Triphasic Training for Powerlifting
If your intensity level and explosive base are lacking, this 21-week meet prep program will help where max effort and dynamic effort work could not.
The 2015 Central Virginia Sports Performance Seminar
The 2015 Central Virginia Sports Performance Seminar
For this year’s CVASPS we have stepped it up another notch, bringing back many of the favorites from past years, and introducing some new presenters as well.
Light Reading
Light Reading
His light reading is other people's heavy cerebral feeding frenzy. Time to get smarter.
S&C Industry Leaders Talk Shop
S&C Industry Leaders Talk Shop
What happens when three of the most influential coaches sit down at the elitefts compound?
Science of Lifting: Isometrics
Science of Lifting: Isometrics
Isometric lifts, lifts where the muscles contract without causing movement at the involved joints, might be an under-appreciated tool for lifters and athletes.
Training with Purpose: Modifications and Variation in Training
Training with Purpose: Modifications and Variation in Training
You’re only limited by as much information and ability as you have to logically modify your programming.
By the Coach for the Coach: Triphasic Training
By the Coach for the Coach: Triphasic Training
To find out more about triphasic training, Todd Hammer interviewed the man behind the magic—Cal Dietz.

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