In the world of sports nutrition, where tomorrow’s innovations cannot come fast enough, one of the latest fads is breast milk. Human breast milk is hardly something an avid fitness enthusiast would consider a performance supplement. Yet breast milk is having its moment thanks to its purported superiority to cow’s milk for building muscle.

Where to separate myth from fact? Let’s start here: All animal milk begins as colostrum, a precursor to breast milk that is loaded with highly concentrated hormones, growth factors, and important nutrients for developing the structure and function of the entire body. During the first few days, the concentration of key growth factors in a cow’s colostrum drops off markedly until they are virtually undetectable in the normal milk that follows and eventually makes its way to your supermarket shelf. However, in humans, while there is a drop-off, breast milk continues to hold a higher concentration (per milliliter) of these key hormones for several weeks to months after the colostrum phase. Thus the belief that consuming human breast milk will increase muscle size and strength has been perpetuated. However, it is not quite that simple.

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